Explosicum - Living’s Deal - CD

  • Description

    Living's Deal is the third full-length album from Chinese thrash-core band Explosicum. Band plays a thrash metal focused more on German influences than Bay Area sound. For this reason, all the representative elements are fast riffing, mid-tempo mosh-parts, high-speed drumming, many guitar solo-attacks and an aggressive singing, not really typical in thrash metal because the frontman Tan Chong comes from the Chinese black metal band Be Persecuted. Really interesting band!

  • Informations complémentaires

    Groupe Explosicum
    Titre Living’s Deal
    Label Punishment 18
    Genre musical général Thrash / Crossover
    Genre musical détaillé Thrash Metal
    Code barre 8033712045061
    Référence P18R155
    Date de sortie 29 nov. 2019
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