Ninth Circle - Echo Black - CD

  • Description

    The compositions on the new album "Echo Black" are more catchy than ever before. You will find influences from the who is who of melodic Metal but NINTH CIRCLE combines them for a unique sound of their own. It doesn't matter if you prefer NWoBHM, US-Metal, or Euro-Metal, NINTH CIRCLE includes several styles in their totally convincing new material! Sometimes epic, sometimes powerful, but heard once you won't get the songs out of your mind! The songs are diverse with a powerful production.

  • Informations complémentaires

    Groupe Ninth Circle
    Titre Echo Black
    Label Pure Steel Records
    Genre musical général Heavy / Power / Symphonic
    Genre musical détaillé Heavy Metal
    Code barre 4260502241806
    Référence PURCD031
    Date de sortie 26 juin 2020
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