Conjuring Fate - Curse Of The Fallen - CD

  • Description

    Founding member and guitarist Phil Horner is a friend of Sweet Savage's guitar wizard Simon McBride. Former Sweet Savage drummer Jules
    Watson played drums for Conjuring Fate from 2011 to 2013. Following their 2014 debut EP "House On The Haunted Hill" and the band's first full-length album, 2016's "Valley Of Shadows", the brand new record "Curse Of The Fallen" is about to up the ante once again.Along with the mentioned Sweet Savage and bands like Stormzone and thrashers Gama Bomb, Conjuring Fate are an integral part of the up and coming Northern Ireland metal scene. There is not better proof for this than their new album "Curse Of The Fallen".

  • Informations complémentaires

    Groupe Conjuring Fate
    Titre Curse Of The Fallen
    Label Pure Steel Records
    Genre musical général Heavy / Power / Symphonic
    Genre musical détaillé Power Metal
    Code barre 4260502241073
    Référence PSRCD195
    Date de sortie 15 nov. 2019
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