Jeff Buckley - Dreams of the Way We Were - DOUBLE LP

  • Description

    SIDE A1. Lost Highway (Live) 2. Eternal Life (Live) 3. Please Send Me Someone to Love (Live) 4. The Way Young Lovers Do (Live) SIDE B5. Interview 6. Hallelujah (Live) 7. Mama, You've Been on My Mind (Live) SIDE C8. Alligator Wine (Live) 9. Calling You (Live) 10. Unforgiven (Live) 11. We All Fall in Love Sometimes (Live) SIDE D12. Curtains (Live)13. Dink's Song (Live)14. Corpus Christi Carol (Live)

  • Informations complémentaires

    Groupe Jeff Buckley
    Titre Dreams of the Way We Were
    Label Let Them Eat Vinyl Rec.
    Genre musical général Rock / Hard Rock / Glam
    Genre musical détaillé Rock
    Code barre 0803341420175
    Référence LETV159LP
    Date de sortie 9 juil. 2014
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